Navy Children School, Karanja

Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

Navy Children School Karanja organised its much-awaited Inter School Fest MANTHAN 2020 virtually, from 11 – 15 Jan 21 by bringing up a plethora of events where children could engage, create and learn. This ensured that the flame of learning was kept burning bright, even amid the pandemic.
A total of 11 schools across India participated in the fest. The fest included five competitions namely Pratibimb-Fancy dress competition (Theme: COVID-19 Warriors), Eco Rap (Theme: Environment), English Elocution (Topic: Contribution of Indian Navy in the Progress of the Nation), News Room (Theme: Funny Fake News) and Mime Act (Theme: A Sailor’s Life). Performances in each category were analysed and adjudicated upon by a talented panel of judges who logged in from across the country.
The rolling trophy for MANTHAN 2020 was bagged by Navy Children School Kochi.

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